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Sterling Heights Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Put your fears to rest

Do you experience fear during a visit to the dentist? Oral sedation may be a relaxing alternative for you. Many patients who suffer from fear of going to the dentist find relief with sedation.

Nitrous Sedation

Dr. Sudomir offers nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sedation to anxious patients. Nitrous oxide provides a light level of sedation and it wears off quickly.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is an option for more anxious patients. We can provide a prescription for an oral sedative that you would take just before your visit to our office. The sedative will relax you and you may enter a state of dreamy sleepiness. If you remain awake you will feel calm during the procedure. Some patients become so relaxed they fall asleep and sleep peacefully through their entire visit.

If you do choose to be given a sedative during your visit, you will be too disoriented to drive for several hours after your procedure and you will need to arrange transportation home.

If you are anxious about visiting our office for dental care, contact us to discuss sedative options.